15 Untold Black History Inventors Wasn't Taught At School

30 Jun 2022

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15 Untold Black History Inventors Wasn't Taught At School
Most people have heard about famous inventions like the light bulb, the cotton gin and the penicillin. Take a moment and look around. Do you see any inventions? Inventions are everywhere you look! Your computer, your clothes, your notebook, your furniture - inventions are all around you. An object may have been invented a long time ago, or it may be an improvement based on other inventions, but every man made object you see was originally an invention of some kind.

But, did you know that many of the products we use every day were created by black people? Here’s a list of 15 Untold Black History Inventors Wasn't Taught At School until now, you probably didn’t know about.

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