Dilemmas of the Black male identity Tommy Curry

06 Sep 2023

Tommy Curry discusses how black male identity has come to epitomise a process of racial characterisation legitimising violence and reinforcing dehumanisation.

This interview was recorded at the HowTheLighGetsIn Festival Hay 2022. Grab your tickets for the upcoming London edition on the 17th & 18th September 2022!

00:00 What do you mean by: "No one wants to admit that race is real"?
03:40 Why is the intersectional approach to racism problematic?
08:00 How do you think of male gender in relation to race?
12:20 How has Black malae identity been caricatured?
15:35 Is there a place for Critical Race Theory in our society?
23:25 How do we step away from the idea that we can't fully abolish racism?


In this interview, philosopher Tommy Curry discusses how we distinguish racism as a structural, cultural and historical process from racism merely as an individual bias. Curry explains why the cultural predilection toward colour-blindness is dangerous and explores why the intersectional approach to race is problematic, as it can lead to anachronistic readings of different identities throughout history. He also argues that understanding the ways people are dominated, colonised and exterminated - largely depends on how they eliminate and target their men.

Tommy Curry is a philosophy professor at Edinburgh University where he holds a Personal Chair in Africana Philosophy and Black Male studies. His research focusses on Africana Philosophy, Critical Race Theory, Anti-Colonialism, Black Male Studies and Public Health.

#TommyCurryTheManNot #CriticalRaceTheoryChallenged #IntersectionalityTheory

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