The Black Hand That Ruled Harlem Son Of Preacher Full Documentary HD

28 Nov 2020

The Black Hand That Ruled Harlem The Son Of Preacher includes a 1-on-1 interview with Shaka This story is about one of the most notorious feared extortionist in Harlem who the FBI claims ran an organization called The Black Hand Of Death aka The Preacher Crew In New York City Harlem specifically the word Extortion is synonymous with the Black Hand Preacher Crew These men are reportedly responsible for over 50 murders including the death of Richard Porter's little brother the story told in Street Stars GAME OVER documentary DVD According to the New York Times Since 1983 the gang members extorted money from drug dealers dealt drugs and maintained the groups business by systematic violence against their enemies the indictment said The gang is charged with 11 murders 11 conspiracies to commit murder and narcotics trafficking For the first time in 12 years the Son Of Preacher aka Shaka speaks

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