Vigilante Post-Screening Panel feat Jamie Foxx

15 Oct 2024

[Oct 26, 2022: Los Angeles, CA] Academy Award-winning actor Jamie Foxx hosted a special impact screening of Greg Palast’s new film, Vigilante: Georgia’s Vote Suppression Hitman, for activists at the Laemmle Royal in West LA on Wednesday, October 26. The event was presented by the ACLU of Southern California and Black Voters Matter.

After the film, Foxx joined Julia Gomez of the ACLU, Susan Adelman of Black Voters Matter, and filmmaker Greg Palast for a discussion. The panel also featured retired Major Gamaliel Turner, a Georgia voter who almost lost his vote because he was posted to California while serving his country. Turner’s fight to ensure his vote got counted after a vigilante challenged his right to vote is documented in Palast’s film.

Vigilante: Georgia’s Voter Suppression Hitman — written by Greg Palast and narrated by Rosario Dawson — exposes the most brazen, racist attack on voting rights yet. For a limited time, the Palast Investigative Fund is making Vigilante available to stream for FREE at:

"You have to get this man’s courage out there, you have to get this man’s story out there, and you have to activate." ~ Jamie Foxx

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