Tips to survive as a black person in USA

Two Tips to survive as a black person in USAWAKE UP AND CONQUER YOUR DAY

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The Roots of Black Essence is a place where you can come to be inspired, motivated, and see what lies ..

Police brutality has long been a common occurrence in the United States. A lot of blacks lose their lives regularly, and nothing has been said about it. Blacks are not safe in the hands of the police anymore. A movement #BlackLivesMatter started on 13th July 2013, but after George Floyd was killed, many people worldwide found out about this movement. This is real, and we all have to try our best not to be police brutality victims. This article will tell you 10 ways to avoid police brutality and come out alive when encountering the police.

  • Do not confess to wrongdoing.

It would help if you never said anything that would implicate you whenever the police are questioning you. Confessing to wrongdoing, whether it has been long it happened or it just happened recently, takes you closer to jail. You do not want to give them any reason to suspect you.

  • Remain silent: what you don't say can't hurt you.

You do not have to say much, only answer what you were asked. They can only charge you if you say something that might implicate. But if you do not say anything at all, all they have against you is that you are black.

Amos Randle IV

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